Mid Century Rugs

5 Results
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  • Mid-Century Scandinavian Rug
    $4,000 - $6,000

    Mid-Century Scandinavian Rug

    $4,000 - $6,000
    0 Bids
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  • Mid-Century Scandinavian Rug
    $4,000 - $6,000

    Mid-Century Scandinavian Rug

    $4,000 - $6,000
    0 Bids
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  • Mid-Century French Rug
    $12,000 - $15,000

    Mid-Century French Rug

    $12,000 - $15,000
    0 Bids
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  • Mid-Century French Rug
    $12,000 - $15,000

    Mid-Century French Rug

    $12,000 - $15,000
    0 Bids
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  • Fine mid century French Rug
    $12,000 - $15,000

    Fine mid century French Rug

    $12,000 - $15,000
    0 Bids
    Starting Bid

Rugs from the mid-century that are distinguished by their distinctive designs and superior craftsmanship have a unique place in the realm of interior design. They were first discovered in the Middle East; these rugs were typically made of goat hair and sheep wool and showcase the rich history of rug-making. But, at the turn of the 20th century, the art of rug design saw a significant change.

The mid-century era saw an evolution in materials due to the introduction of synthetic filaments such as nylon in 1935. This revolutionary innovation revolutionized the carpets, making it easier and more readily available to create exquisitely tufted carpets. In contrast to traditional carpets, rug designs often have intricate designs, with borders, inner space and a central plan. The coordination between the interior part and the frame is carefully thought through, resulting in visually pleasing and pleasing compositions.

Bidsquare, a well-known auction website, offers an exquisite selection of hand-made mid-century rugs from around the globe. This diverse collection includes prayer rugs, flatweave rugs, wool rugs, silk rugs, and nain rugs, spanning from the 15th century to the early 20th century. Suppose you are an avid collector seeking a rare Safavid carpet or an interior designer looking for an original piece of art. In that case, Bidsquare's live auctions offer an array of contemporary and elegant rug designs.

The modern and mid-century rug designs featured in the auctions of Bidsquare are the creations of famous artists like Jay Stanger, Jacques A. Luzeau, Ted Baker and many others. Each rug is a testimony to these artists' artistry and talent, capturing the mid-century's distinct aesthetic. When choosing an antique or vintage rug, it is crucial to think about patterns and colour to ensure it seamlessly matches your space.

Suppose you are attracted to the timeless appeal of a Safavid carpet or prefer the modern style of a mid-century design. In that case, Bidsquare's online auctions offer an opportunity to search for and purchase these stunning pieces. Make your living spaces more inviting with the elegance and style that mid-century rugs provide, each telling a tale of innovation and craftsmanship.

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