Albert Aichinger

Albert Aichinger was a German graphic artist, painter, etcher, and draftsman. The artist was born in Munich in 1866. Aichinger developed an interest in art during his secondary school. The artist studied at Munich’s Art Academy from 1898 to 1905. At the art academy, Aichinger learned printmaking with artists like Peter Halm. Aichinger also received many awards for his work while studying at the university. He worked as a copper retouching tutor at the teaching and research institute for photography in 1909.

Albert Aichinger’s paintings for sale involve landscapes and figurative paintings. Albert Aichinger’s art for sale features architectural structures, particularly scenes from Munich. Albert Aichinger was a member of the Reich Association of Visual Artists, Berlin, the MKG, and the RvbK. Albert Aichinger’s art at online auction features etchings, watercolors, and prints. Today, collectors can also find Albert Aichinger’s paintings at online auction with multiple galleries.

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