Sep 16, 10:00AM EDT

Day 2: Asian Arts, Modern & Sterling Silver

Auction ended

Featured Items

516 Results
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  • Fine Chinese Carved Hardwood and Brass 黄铜搭件硬木大橱,97*49.25*9.5英寸,晚明或清代
    $4,000 - $6,000
    Lot 406

    Fine Chinese Carved Hardwood and Brass 黄铜搭件硬木大橱,97*49.2...

    $4,000 - $6,000
  • Pair Large Flamb?Glazed Porcelain 铁红釉撇口象腿大瓶一对,高22.5英寸,或19世纪,中国
    $2,000 - $3,000
    Lot 407

    Pair Large Flamb?Glazed Porcelain 铁红釉撇口象腿大瓶一对,高22.5英寸,或...

    $2,000 - $3,000
  • Pair Kangxi Langyao Porcelain Bowls 铁红釉康熙郎窑大碗一对,8.06*16英寸,18世纪早期,中国
    $1,500 - $2,500
    Lot 408

    Pair Kangxi Langyao Porcelain Bowls 铁红釉康熙郎窑大碗一对,8.06*16...

    $1,500 - $2,500
  • Porcelain Stem Cup with Three Fish 铁红釉三鱼白瓷高足杯,4.5*6.25英寸,中国明代
    $600 - $900
    Lot 409

    Porcelain Stem Cup with Three Fish 铁红釉三鱼白瓷高足杯,4.5*6.25英...

    $600 - $900
  • Pair Carved Yellow-Ground Porcelain 黄釉阴刻五龙鹤颈瓶一对,高17.25英寸,雍正款
    $1,000 - $2,000
    Lot 410

    Pair Carved Yellow-Ground Porcelain 黄釉阴刻五龙鹤颈瓶一对,高17.25英...

    $1,000 - $2,000
  • Pair Yellow-Glazed Sycees Porcelain 黄釉元宝形杯,2*4.375英寸,19世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 411

    Pair Yellow-Glazed Sycees Porcelain 黄釉元宝形杯,2*4.375英寸,19...

    $300 - $500
  • Two Chinese Enameled Porcelain 椭圆形珐琅彩龙凤大盘一对,长15.25英寸,乾隆款
    $600 - $900
    Lot 412

    Two Chinese Enameled Porcelain 椭圆形珐琅彩龙凤大盘一对,长15.25英寸,乾隆...

    $600 - $900
  • Famille Rose Porcelain Bowl and Two 粉彩开光花果纹碗一只和粉彩缠枝花纹碗两只,碗直径4.17英寸,盘直径6英寸,光绪款
    $150 - $300
    Lot 413

    Famille Rose Porcelain Bowl and Two 粉彩开光花果纹碗一只和粉彩缠枝花纹碗两...

    $150 - $300
  • Three Peachbloom-Glazed Porcelain 粉红釉柳叶瓶三只,两只高7.375英寸,一只高6.625英寸,康熙款
    $1,200 - $1,800
    Lot 414

    Three Peachbloom-Glazed Porcelain 粉红釉柳叶瓶三只,两只高7.375英寸,一...

    $1,200 - $1,800
  • Two Mottled Green Peachbloom Porcelain 斑驳绿釉柳叶瓶两只,分别高7英寸和8英寸,康熙款
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 415

    Two Mottled Green Peachbloom Porcelain 斑驳绿釉柳叶瓶两只,分别高7英寸...

    $800 - $1,200
  • Five Copper-Glazed Porcelain Table 铁红釉瓶、碗、罐共五只,最高的高6.25英寸,康熙款
    $600 - $900
    Lot 416

    Five Copper-Glazed Porcelain Table 铁红釉瓶、碗、罐共五只,最高的高6.25...

    $600 - $900
  • Three Famille Rose Porcelain Hat 粉彩山水人物纹灯座三只,最高的高13.75英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 417

    Three Famille Rose Porcelain Hat 粉彩山水人物纹灯座三只,最高的高13.75英...

    $300 - $500
  • Pair Famille Rose Double Gourd 龙首双耳开光童戏缠枝花纹葫芦瓶一对,乾隆款
    $600 - $900
    Lot 418

    Pair Famille Rose Double Gourd 龙首双耳开光童戏缠枝花纹葫芦瓶一对,乾隆款

    $600 - $900
  • Flamb?Glazed Baluster-Form Vase 双耳铁红釉盘口胆瓶,高12.5英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 419

    Flamb?Glazed Baluster-Form Vase 双耳铁红釉盘口胆瓶,高12.5英寸,19/20...

    $400 - $700
  • Pair Famille Rose Vases of Diamond 粉彩四方形开光人物庭院纹盖瓶,13英寸,19世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 420

    Pair Famille Rose Vases of Diamond 粉彩四方形开光人物庭院纹盖瓶,13英寸,...

    $600 - $900
  • Five Rose Mandarin Porcelain Household 粉彩人物大盘、盖碗五件,大盘直径9.75英寸,19世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 421

    Five Rose Mandarin Porcelain Household 粉彩人物大盘、盖碗五件,大盘直径...

    $600 - $900
  • Carved Hardstone Double-Lidded Cups 青玉雕盖碗及托一对,3.125*3.5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 422

    Carved Hardstone Double-Lidded Cups 青玉雕盖碗及托一对,3.125*3.5...

    $400 - $700
  • Carved Hardstone Boulder 硬玉观音童子麒麟透雕件,7.5*7.125*3.25英寸,20世纪,中国
    $1,000 - $2,000
    Lot 423

    Carved Hardstone Boulder 硬玉观音童子麒麟透雕件,7.5*7.125*3.25英寸,2...

    $1,000 - $2,000
  • Large Jade Carving of Lidded Pot 玉雕麒麟、螭龙、蝙蝠盖罐,12*8英寸,20世纪,中国
    $3,000 - $5,000
    Lot 424

    Large Jade Carving of Lidded Pot 玉雕麒麟、螭龙、蝙蝠盖罐,12*8英寸,20...

    $3,000 - $5,000
  • Hardstone [Hu]-Shaped Lidded Vase 硬玉雕麒麟钮,象首双耳盖壶,6.5*4英寸,20世纪,中国
    $200 - $400
    Lot 425

    Hardstone [Hu]-Shaped Lidded Vase 硬玉雕麒麟钮,象首双耳盖壶,6.5*4英寸...

    $200 - $400
  • Carved Jade Disc and a [Ruyi]-Form 带硬木托架法轮纹玉珰和云纹寿字锁片,玉珰直径2.25英寸,锁片2*2.25英寸,中国
    $500 - $700
    Lot 426

    Carved Jade Disc and a [Ruyi]-Form 带硬木托架法轮纹玉珰和云纹寿字锁片,玉珰...

    $500 - $700
  • Carved Hardstone [Bi] Disk With 带托架翡翠龙纹玉璧,9*7.5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $600
    Lot 427

    Carved Hardstone [Bi] Disk With 带托架翡翠龙纹玉璧,9*7.5英寸,20世纪,...

    $300 - $600
  • Carved Jade Flower Goddess and 带雕花木托架翡翠持花双美雕件,6.875*5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 428

    Carved Jade Flower Goddess and 带雕花木托架翡翠持花双美雕件,6.875*5英寸...

    $400 - $700
  • Five Carved Jade Toggles 玉雕挂件五件,最大的长2.125英寸,19-20世纪,中国
    $400 - $800
    Lot 429

    Five Carved Jade Toggles 玉雕挂件五件,最大的长2.125英寸,19-20世纪,中国

    $400 - $800
  • Four Jade Carvings 玉雕挂件四件,最大的长2.625英寸,19-20世纪,中国
    $400 - $800
    Lot 430

    Four Jade Carvings 玉雕挂件四件,最大的长2.625英寸,19-20世纪,中国

    $400 - $800
  • Hardstone Carved Lidded Urn 带雕花木托架硬玉雕虎符钮盖三足鼎,高10英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $600
    Lot 431

    Hardstone Carved Lidded Urn 带雕花木托架硬玉雕虎符钮盖三足鼎,高10英寸,20世纪...

    $300 - $600
  • Carved Jade Horned Beast 玉雕獬豸,7.25*6.5英寸,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $600
    Lot 432

    Carved Jade Horned Beast 玉雕獬豸,7.25*6.5英寸,20世纪,中国

    $300 - $600
  • Carved Jade Covered Box, a Snuff 玉雕鼻烟壶、印泥盒、玉牌共四件,19/20世纪,中国
    $400 - $700
    Lot 433

    Carved Jade Covered Box, a Snuff 玉雕鼻烟壶、印泥盒、玉牌共四件,19/20世...

    $400 - $700
  • Carved Jade [Cong] 鸡骨白玉琮,3.75*2.25英寸,晚清或近代,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 434

    Carved Jade [Cong] 鸡骨白玉琮,3.75*2.25英寸,晚清或近代,中国

    $300 - $500
  • Jade Carving, Two Phoenixes and 带雕花木托架翡翠雕牡丹双凤,20世纪,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 435

    Jade Carving, Two Phoenixes and 带雕花木托架翡翠雕牡丹双凤,20世纪,中国

    $300 - $500
  • Jade Reticulated Dragon and Phoenix 玉雕龙凤玉佩和折枝牡丹两件,19/20世纪,中国
    $1,000 - $1,500
    Lot 436

    Jade Reticulated Dragon and Phoenix 玉雕龙凤玉佩和折枝牡丹两件,19/20...

    $1,000 - $1,500
  • Pair Famille Rose Porcelain Plaques 硬木框人物粉彩瓷板画一对,18.5*24英寸,19世纪,中国
    $2,000 - $3,000
    Lot 437

    Pair Famille Rose Porcelain Plaques 硬木框人物粉彩瓷板画一对,18.5*2...

    $2,000 - $3,000
  • Chinese Famille Rose Pierced 粉彩镂空开光人物画灯笼,12.75英寸,19世纪,中国
    $500 - $800
    Lot 438

    Chinese Famille Rose Pierced 粉彩镂空开光人物画灯笼,12.75英寸,19世纪,中...

    $500 - $800
  • Four Rose Medallion Porcelain Articles 粉彩鎏金人物纹象腿瓶两只和茶杯、胭脂盒各一,19/20世纪,中国
    $200 - $400
    Lot 439

    Four Rose Medallion Porcelain Articles 粉彩鎏金人物纹象腿瓶两只和茶杯、...

    $200 - $400
  • Large Chinese Porcelain Punch Bowl 粉彩狩猎场景纹大碗带木底座,5.75*14.5英寸,18世纪,中国
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 440

    Large Chinese Porcelain Punch Bowl 粉彩狩猎场景纹大碗带木底座,5.75*1...

    $800 - $1,200
  • Chinese Porcelain Basin with Boys 粉彩树下童戏纹大水盆,5*14.75英寸,19世纪,中国
    $800 - $1,200
    Lot 441

    Chinese Porcelain Basin with Boys 粉彩树下童戏纹大水盆,5*14.75英寸,...

    $800 - $1,200
  • Chinese Rose Medallion Reticulated 粉彩金边水果篮带托盘,11英寸,19世纪,中国
    $500 - $800
    Lot 442

    Chinese Rose Medallion Reticulated 粉彩金边水果篮带托盘,11英寸,19世纪...

    $500 - $800
  • Pair Chinese Rose Medallion Porcelain 粉彩人物象腿瓶灯座一对和粉彩人物观音瓶一对,象腿瓶高11英寸,观音瓶高8英寸,1
    $500 - $800
    Lot 443

    Pair Chinese Rose Medallion Porcelain 粉彩人物象腿瓶灯座一对和粉彩人物观...

    $500 - $800
  • Monumental Porcelain Famille Rose 粉彩狮钮开光花鸟人物将军罐,高33.5英寸,20世纪早期,中国
    $300 - $500
    Lot 444

    Monumental Porcelain Famille Rose 粉彩狮钮开光花鸟人物将军罐,高33.5英寸...

    $300 - $500
  • Pair Rose Medallion Floor Vases 双狮双耳开光花鸟人物象腿瓶一对,高32.5英寸,19世纪,中国
    $600 - $900
    Lot 445

    Pair Rose Medallion Floor Vases 双狮双耳开光花鸟人物象腿瓶一对,高32.5英寸...

    $600 - $900
  • Pair Famille Rose Porcelain 粉彩双美树下读书象腿瓶一对,20世纪,中国
    $400 - $800
    Lot 446

    Pair Famille Rose Porcelain 粉彩双美树下读书象腿瓶一对,20世纪,中国

    $400 - $800
  • Eighteen Rose Medallion Porcelain 粉彩花鸟纹盘、碗、碟八件,19/20世纪,中国
    $200 - $400
    Lot 447

    Eighteen Rose Medallion Porcelain 粉彩花鸟纹盘、碗、碟八件,19/20世纪,...

    $200 - $400
  • Pair Monumental Famille Noir Covered 粉彩直颈开光花鸟将军罐一对,高21英寸,或康熙
    $2,000 - $3,000
    Lot 448

    Pair Monumental Famille Noir Covered 粉彩直颈开光花鸟将军罐一对,高21英...

    $2,000 - $3,000
  • Pair Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain 粉彩孔雀牡丹纹碟一对,直径8英寸,18世纪,中国
    $500 - $700
    Lot 449

    Pair Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain 粉彩孔雀牡丹纹碟一对,直径8英寸,18...

    $500 - $700
  • Large Famille Rose Porcelain Archaic 粉彩开光人物纹凤尾尊,高12.75英寸,19/20世纪,中国
    $100 - $300
    Lot 450

    Large Famille Rose Porcelain Archaic 粉彩开光人物纹凤尾尊,高12.75英...

    $100 - $300
  • Covered Cosmetic Jar with Peachbloom 铁红釉三鱼白瓷高足杯和胭脂盒,高足杯6英寸,雍正款,胭脂盒2英寸,康熙款
    $600 - $900
    Lot 451

    Covered Cosmetic Jar with Peachbloom 铁红釉三鱼白瓷高足杯和胭脂盒,高足杯...

    $600 - $900
  • Pair Monumental Flamb?Pear-Form Two- 鹿首双耳红釉胆瓶一对,高20英寸,中国
    $1,000 - $1,500
    Lot 452

    Pair Monumental Flamb?Pear-Form Two- 鹿首双耳红釉胆瓶一对,高20英寸,中...

    $1,000 - $1,500
  • Peachbloom Porcelain Beehive-Form 铁红釉钟形水壶和托盘,4*4.5英寸,中国,康熙款
    $2,000 - $4,000
    Lot 453

    Peachbloom Porcelain Beehive-Form 铁红釉钟形水壶和托盘,4*4.5英寸,中国...

    $2,000 - $4,000

Auction Description

Day 2: Asian Arts, Modern & Sterling Silver by Brunk Auctions

Friday, September 16, 2016

Preview at 9:00 am

Auction Begins at 10:00 am


Our September catalog auction presents a showing of consignments across several categories.  Notable offerings include a variety of Asian works of art and objects from Japanese, Chinese and Korean origins which represent the Shiver & Bennett Collections; Modern works of art; Sterling Silver; Continental, British and European decorative arts; American & Folk Art.


Following the conclusion of the auction each winning bidder will receive an email from our offices which will include an invoice and relevant payment information. 

Please feel free to contact our offices for any questions or concerns.
Phone: 828.254.6846

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Asheville, NC 28802
United States

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$0 26.00

Bid Increments

Start Increments ($)
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$100 $50
$1,000 $100
$2,000 $200
$3,000 $250
$5,000 $500
$10,000 $1,000
$20,000 $2,000
$50,000 $5,000
$100,000 $10,000

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