Dec 09, 06:00AM EST

Rare Books Decorative Prints Historical Photography

Auction ended

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1630 Results
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  • Reidemeister, L.Ming-Porzellane in schwedischen Sammlungen. Mit einem Geleitwort von J. Hellner. Mit 64 Taf.u. erkl. Text. B
    $200 - $400
    Lot 1297

    Reidemeister, L.Ming-Porzellane in schwedischen Sammlun...

    $200 - $400
  • Sammlung mit 4 Katalogen fuer Silberwaren sowie einem Band ueber Silberbearbeitung.
    $240 - $480
    Lot 1298

    Sammlung mit 4 Katalogen fuer Silberwaren sowie einem B...

    $240 - $480
  • Sammlung mit 6 Baenden zu Handwerksberufen sowie einer Skizzen- und Ideensammlung.
    $180 - $360
    Lot 1299

    Sammlung mit 6 Baenden zu Handwerksberufen sowie einer ...

    $180 - $360
  • Sammlung mit 7 Firmenkatalogen fuer Kunsthandwerkliche-Produkte. (Um 1930) 4° - Folio.
    $300 - $600
    Lot 1300

    Sammlung mit 7 Firmenkatalogen fuer Kunsthandwerkliche-...

    $300 - $600
  • Sammlung mit 7 Moebelkatalogen (erste Haelfte des 20. Jhd.). 8° - 4°.
    $180 - $360
    Lot 1301

    Sammlung mit 7 Moebelkatalogen (erste Haelfte des 20. J...

    $180 - $360
  • Sammlung von 8 Entwurfszeichnungen zu verschiedenen Einrichtungsgegenstaenden wie Lampen, Bilderrahmen, Spiegel, Schreibset u
    $1,200 - $2,400
    Lot 1302

    Sammlung von 8 Entwurfszeichnungen zu verschiedenen Ein...

    $1,200 - $2,400
  • Voigt, GSammlung von 4 Zeichnungen mit Moebelentwuerfen. Um 1900. Je Feder, Tuschfeder und Aquarell ueber Graphitstift auf A
    $300 - $600
    Lot 1303

    Voigt, GSammlung von 4 Zeichnungen mit Moebelentwuerfen...

    $300 - $600
  • Porzellan-Manufaktur Allach-Muenchen GmbH. Verzeichnis der Erzeugnisse. Liste 1938/39. Werk Dachau Reichsschatzmeister Schwar
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1304

    Porzellan-Manufaktur Allach-Muenchen GmbH. Verzeichnis ...

    $150 - $300
  • Royal Doulton PotteriesKatalog 'China and Earthenware'. Mit 65 chromolith. Tafeln. Burslem, 1925. 2 Bll.
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1305

    Royal Doulton PotteriesKatalog 'China and Earthenware'....

    $150 - $300
  • Die Kunstschmiede Norddeutschlands. Chr. Dencker & Sohn Luebeck. 2 Bde. Mit 35 gesteckten Originalphotographien verschiedener
    $120 - $240
    Lot 1306

    Die Kunstschmiede Norddeutschlands. Chr. Dencker & Sohn...

    $120 - $240
  • (Lacauchie, Alexandre)
Galerie des artistes-dramatiques. Compose de 80 portraits et notices. 2 Bde. Mit 2 lithogr. Titeln u.
    $400 - $800
    Lot 1307

    (Lacauchie, Alexandre) Galerie des artistes-dramatiques...

    $400 - $800
  • Mechel, C. v. (Hg.)Lucas Cranach's Stammbuch enthaltend die von ihm selbst in Miniatur gemalte Abbildung des den Segen erthe
    $250 - $500
    Lot 1308

    Mechel, C. v. (Hg.)Lucas Cranach's Stammbuch enthaltend...

    $250 - $500
  • Delaroche, Paul. Henrique Dumont/ Charles LenormantTrésor de numismatique et de glyptique ou receuil général de médaille
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1309

    Delaroche, Paul. Henrique Dumont/ Charles LenormantTrés...

    $150 - $300
  • Pigage, Nicolas de
La Galerie electorale de Dusseldorff, ou catalogue raisonné et figuré de ses tableaux dans lequel on don
    $750 - $1,500
    Lot 1310

    Pigage, Nicolas de La Galerie electorale de Dusseldorff...

    $750 - $1,500
  • Sammlung mit 44 Baenden zum Thema Kunst. 8° - Folio.
    $380 - $760
    Lot 1311

    Sammlung mit 44 Baenden zum Thema Kunst. 8° - Folio.

    $380 - $760
  • Hazelius, Arthur ImmanuelSouvenirs du Musée du Nord: reproductions, avec texte descriptif, d'objets conservés au musée, p
    $180 - $360
    Lot 1312

    Hazelius, Arthur ImmanuelSouvenirs du Musée du Nord: re...

    $180 - $360
  • Bayer, A(dolph) H:Vorlagen fuer Galanterie-Drechsler. Entwuerfe fuer Gegenstaende aus Elfenbein, Bein, Perlmutter, Schildkro
    $240 - $480
    Lot 1313

    Bayer, A(dolph) H:Vorlagen fuer Galanterie-Drechsler. E...

    $240 - $480
  • Sammlung mit 21 Bd. illustrierten Vorlagenwerken. 4° - Folio.
    $420 - $840
    Lot 1314

    Sammlung mit 21 Bd. illustrierten Vorlagenwerken. 4° - ...

    $420 - $840
  • Feldegg, Ferdinand v.
Moderne Kirchen-Decorationen |Ein Vorlagewerk fuer ornamentale Kirchenmalerei. Nach Original-Aufnahmen
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1315

    Feldegg, Ferdinand v. Moderne Kirchen-Decorationen |Ein...

    $150 - $300
  • Houssaye, Henry
La Russie à l'Exposition Universelle. Paris, Plon, 1867. 30 S. 4°. Marmor. HPgt. d. Zt., vord. OBrosch. mit
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1316

    Houssaye, Henry La Russie à l'Exposition Universelle. P...

    $150 - $300
  • Winckelmann, Johann JoachimGedanken ueber die Nachahmung der Griechischen Werke in der Malerey und Bildhauerkunst. 3 Tle. in
    $450 - $900
    Lot 1317

    Winckelmann, Johann JoachimGedanken ueber die Nachahmun...

    $450 - $900
  • Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Monumenti antichi inediti, spiegati ed illustrati da Giovanni Winckelmann. 2 Bde. in 1 Bd. Mit 2
    $1,200 - $2,400
    Lot 1318

    Winckelmann, Johann Joachim Monumenti antichi inediti, ...

    $1,200 - $2,400
  • Volpato, J. u. R. Morghen
Principi del disegno tratti dalle piú eccelenti statue antiche per li Giovani che Vogliano incammi
    $500 - $1,000
    Lot 1319

    Volpato, J. u. R. Morghen Principi del disegno tratti d...

    $500 - $1,000
  • Le Roy, Julien DavidRuinen und Ueberbleibsel von Athen nebst andern merkwuerdigen Alterthuemern Griechenlands. Herausgegeben
    $3,000 - $6,000
    Lot 1320

    Le Roy, Julien DavidRuinen und Ueberbleibsel von Athen ...

    $3,000 - $6,000
  • Der Baumeister. Halbmonatshefte fuer Architektur und Baupraxis. Hermann Jansen. Jgge. XI (Heft 1, Oktober 1912)-XIII (Heft 24
    $300 - $600
    Lot 1321

    Der Baumeister. Halbmonatshefte fuer Architektur und Ba...

    $300 - $600
  • Rottmann, LeopoldOrnamente aus den vorzueglichsten Bauwerken Muenchens. In Farbendruck. Mit 24 farbig gedruckten chromolitho
    $800 - $1,600
    Lot 1322

    Rottmann, LeopoldOrnamente aus den vorzueglichsten Bauw...

    $800 - $1,600
  • Degen, LouisLes constructions en briques... Mit 48 lith. Taf., dav. 38 mit 1-2 Tonplatten. 8 Lief. in 1 Bd. Paris 1859. Fol.
    $200 - $400
    Lot 1323

    Degen, LouisLes constructions en briques... Mit 48 lith...

    $200 - $400
  • Favier, Jean
Exposition Internationale Paris - 1937. Préface de M. Edmond Labbé. Mit zahlr. photogr. Abb. auf 144 Tafeln. P
    $450 - $900
    Lot 1324

    Favier, Jean Exposition Internationale Paris - 1937. Pr...

    $450 - $900
  • Ricauti, T.J.Sketches for rustic work, including bridges, park and garden buildings, seats and furniture. With descriptions
    $600 - $1,200
    Lot 1325

    Ricauti, T.J.Sketches for rustic work, including bridge...

    $600 - $1,200
  • Goldmann, NicolaiVollstaendige Anweisung zu der Civil-Baukunst, in welcher nicht nur die fuenf Ordnungen ... als auch gantze
    $2,000 - $4,000
    Lot 1326

    Goldmann, NicolaiVollstaendige Anweisung zu der Civil-B...

    $2,000 - $4,000
  • Jousse, MathurinL'art de charpenterie (...) Corrigé & augmenté (...) Par M. de la Hire. Mit 9 mehrf. gefalt. Kupfertafeln,
    $500 - $1,000
    Lot 1327

    Jousse, MathurinL'art de charpenterie (...) Corrigé & a...

    $500 - $1,000
  • Sammlung von 50 Original-Entwurfszeichnungen fuer Wanddekorationen und Buntglasfenster. Um 1900. Verschiedene Zeichen- und Mi
    $600 - $1,200
    Lot 1328

    Sammlung von 50 Original-Entwurfszeichnungen fuer Wandd...

    $600 - $1,200
  • Lalonde, (Richard) deOeuvres diverses de Lalonde décorateur et dessinateur. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. Sammelband mit 2 gestoch. Titel
    $3,500 - $7,000
    Lot 1329

    Lalonde, (Richard) deOeuvres diverses de Lalonde décora...

    $3,500 - $7,000
  • Neue Werkkunst: Der Architekt Otto Scheib. Mit zahlr. phot. Abbildungen. Berlin et al., Huebsch, 1931. 34 n.n. Bll. Gelber OL
    $200 - $400
    Lot 1330

    Neue Werkkunst: Der Architekt Otto Scheib. Mit zahlr. p...

    $200 - $400
  • Du Plat, Anton HeinrichSituations Risse der neuerbauten Chausseen des Churfuerstenthums Braunschweig - Lueneburg. Erster The
    $1,200 - $2,400
    Lot 1331

    Du Plat, Anton HeinrichSituations Risse der neuerbauten...

    $1,200 - $2,400
  • Beyer, Johann WilhelmOesterreichs Merkwurdigkeiten die Bild- und Baukunst betreffend. 2 Tle. Wien, Trattner 1779. Gr.- Fol.
    $1,500 - $3,000
    Lot 1332

    Beyer, Johann WilhelmOesterreichs Merkwurdigkeiten die ...

    $1,500 - $3,000
  • Lamour, JeanRecueil des ouvrages en serrurerie, que Stanilas le Bienfaisant, Roy de Pologne, Duc de Lorraine et de Bar, a fa
    $1,200 - $2,400
    Lot 1333

    Lamour, JeanRecueil des ouvrages en serrurerie, que Sta...

    $1,200 - $2,400
  • Sipek, Borek
Kenotaphe der unmittelbaren Architektur. Portfolio mit 6 Offset-Drucken. Sig. und num. Selbstverlag 1982. 6 Bll.
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1334

    Sipek, Borek Kenotaphe der unmittelbaren Architektur. P...

    $150 - $300
  • Spampani, Giambattista u. Carlo Antonini
Il Vignola illustrato. Mit 1 gestoch. Frontispiz, 1 gestoch. Titelvignette, 1 gestoc
    $400 - $800
    Lot 1335

    Spampani, Giambattista u. Carlo Antonini Il Vignola ill...

    $400 - $800
  • Aguilar, José RobertoIgrejas Barocas de Minas./ Baroque Churches of Minas. Mit 10 (davon 4 farb.) num. und sig. OHolzschnit
    $300 - $600
    Lot 1336

    Aguilar, José RobertoIgrejas Barocas de Minas./ Baroque...

    $300 - $600
  • Anouilh, Jean
Antigone. Tragoedie. Mit 28 OLithographien von Michel Cadoret. Freudenstadt-Freiburg i. Br., Schwarzwald-Verlag
    $120 - $240
    Lot 1337

    Anouilh, Jean Antigone. Tragoedie. Mit 28 OLithographie...

    $120 - $240
  • Anuell, Ian/ Bernet, Philippe
Dollar Rouge. Multiple aus Holzbox mit OBemalung des Deckels durch den Kuenstler, 1 Pinsel, 1 T
    $1,200 - $2,400
    Lot 1338

    Anuell, Ian/ Bernet, Philippe Dollar Rouge. Multiple au...

    $1,200 - $2,400
  • Le Corbusier
Kommende Baukunst. Mit 230 Abbildungen. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1926. XV, 253 S., 1 Bl. 4°. Ill. OL
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1339

    Le Corbusier Kommende Baukunst. Mit 230 Abbildungen. St...

    $150 - $300
  • Zeichen vom anderen Ufer. Bilder von Psychiatrie-"Erfahrenen". Mit 18 OGrafiken und Collagen sowie 5 Reproduktionen von Kunst
    $150 - $300
    Lot 1340

    Zeichen vom anderen Ufer. Bilder von Psychiatrie-"Erfah...

    $150 - $300
  • Craddock, HarryThe Savoy Cocktail Book. Mit zahlr. farb. Ill. von G. Rumbold. London, Constable, 1930. 287 S. Olwd. mit farb
    $400 - $800
    Lot 1341

    Craddock, HarryThe Savoy Cocktail Book. Mit zahlr. farb...

    $400 - $800
  • Aucassin und Nicolette. UEbertragen von E. Rieger. Mit Buchschmuck in Original-Holzschnitt von Rudolf Junk. Hellerau, Avalun,
    $200 - $400
    Lot 1342

    Aucassin und Nicolette. UEbertragen von E. Rieger. Mit ...

    $200 - $400
  • Mallarmé, StéphaneDer Nachmittag eines Fauns und einige Blaetter Prosa. Die UEbertragung in der Auswahl von Artur Roeßler
    $100 - $200
    Lot 1343

    Mallarmé, StéphaneDer Nachmittag eines Fauns und einige...

    $100 - $200
  • Reuter, FritzHanne Nuete. Mit 58 teilweise ganzs. Original-Holzschnitten von Karl Roessing. Hellerau, Hegner, 1923. 285 S. H
    $120 - $240
    Lot 1344

    Reuter, FritzHanne Nuete. Mit 58 teilweise ganzs. Origi...

    $120 - $240

Auction Description

Rare Books Decorative Prints Historical Photography by Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH
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Jeschke Jádi Auctions Berlin GmbH


Buyer’s Premium

Start Premium (%)
$0 22.95

Bid Increments

Start Increments ($)
$0 $10
$100 $10
$200 $20
$300 $30
$420 $30
$480 $20
$500 $50
$2,000 $200
$3,200 $300

Terms & Conditions

Terms of Sale



1. The Auction is voluntary and takes place on the basis of the Vendor’s instructions. It is undertaken by us in our own name for the account of third parties. At the back of the Catalogue you will find the list of Consignors.
2. The terms of payment are cash payment in EURO. Public institutions and libraries are granted four weeks credit.
3. Bidding commences at approximately two thirds of the estimate, when a higher reserve price has not been set by the Vendor. Bidding will not start below 2/3rds of the estimate. Bids are raised by 10% in each instance. Lots are knocked down to the highest Bidder if no higher bid is received after three times of asking. In the case of two equal bids, the Buyer is determined by drawing lots. If a difference of opinion regarding a hammer price cannot be resolved at once, the lot in question will be resubmitted for auction immediately.
4. The Auctioneer reserves the right to auction lots out of sequence, to split lots, to combine separate lots, to withdraw lots, and to knock down conditionally. He is entitled to reject bids, either written or verbal, where appropriate security or satisfactory references have not been supplied prior to the Auction. The Auctioneer shall also have the right to submit bids on behalf of the Consignor until a reserve agreed with the Consignor is met and – if necessary – knock down the work of art stating the lot number given in the Catalogue to the Consignor; in such case the work of art shall remain unsold.
5. A premium of 26% will be added to the hammer price. This includes the Value Added Tax, calculated according to the Margin Tax Scheme. This tax will not be shown separately on the invoice. For Catalogue items marked with an asterisk (*) or (#) the Value added Tax of 7% (books) or 19% (other items according to German law) will be added to the combined hammer price and premium of 21%. The Seller is obliged to pay the droit de suite (resale rights tax) on the sales proceeds of all original works of art and original photographic works whose creators died less than 70 years before completion of the sale. Such works will be charged an extra fee of 2% (current charge, change possible) of hammer price by VG Bild-Kunst, who represent acc. § 26 UrhG the copyrights of artists. Buyers from third countries (i.e. outside the European Union) are not liable to VAT and Trade Buyers from EU-countries who have VAT Identification Number, registered with us before the sale, will be freed from VAT for all trade purposes if the mailing of the goods is handled by us. In this case the premium will be 21% (without VAT). All other EU-Buyers are liable to VAT. If the goods are picked personally by the Buyer VAT will be charged. Invoices issued during or immediately after the Auction are temporary and are subject to later control.
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8. All objects put up for Auction can be viewed and examined prior to the Auction at the times made known. Greatest care is taken with the Catalogue descriptions, these however do not grant legal guarantee. The objects are second-hand. The condition, unless otherwise stated, is good and appropriate to the age. Descriptions in the Catalogue are neither assured conditions as defined by § 434, sect. 1 BGB, new wording, nor an assured guarantee as defined by § 443, sect. 1 BGB, new wording. The Auctioneer is not liable for defects as far as he observed due care incumbent on him for description of objects to be auctioned. Traces of previous ownership (Book-plates, signatures, stamps) as well as signs of fair wear and tear (missing clasps, yellowing paper) are not necessarily specifically mentioned. No claims will be accepted in respect of these and they are usually (but not necessarily) included in the Catalogue with the indication of not collated items such as collections (Sammlungen, Konvolute) and „oRR./Waf.“ (ohne Reklamationsrecht / sold with all faults).
9. Claims must be registered within three days of the receipt of the goods. The Auctioneer accepts no liability for defects. He will however accept responsibility, in respect of properly founded claims for defects made within the term of limitation of twelve months, for making claims for restitution against the vendor. In the event of a successful intervention the Auctioneer will reimburse the payer for the price of purchase.
10. Jeschke · van Vliet will execute written bids for the Buyer at no charge. Telephone, telegraphic, faxed and Internet bids must be confirmed in writing or through online platforms. For absentee/written bids the Buyer authorizes the auctioneer to execute his bids. For telephone bidding during the Auction a staff member will execute the Buyers bids as advised on the telephone. For Post Auction Sales the Buyer will relay his limit price orders for unsold lots either in writing or per telephone. In aforementioned cases the rules for distant selling contracts (§§ 312b-312d BGB) do not apply. The Auctioneer accepts no liability of any nature for bids received later than 24 hours before the commencement of or during the Auction; for bids duly received and through negligence not carried out only to the extent of the estimate. Errors in transmission and postal delays are at the Buyer’s risk.
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By making a bid, either verbally or written in, the Bidder confirms that he has taken note of the Terms of Sale by Auction and accepts these. In the event of dispute the German version of the above Terms of Sale is valid. The same applies to all Catalogue descriptions.

The Auctioneer: Hans-Joachim Jeschke